Monday 25 June 2018

Fun Day Sunday!

“Hi its me Adam it's Sunday today that's why I thought I could stay here the whole time the next minute
I hear my friend Jamie knocking on my door I run out of my bed room and then I
opened the door and Jamie came in and then he asked me if I was allowed to go to church with him I
rushed over to my Mum and asked her if I can go with Jamie and she said...Yes,
but ask Dad  and he said yes so I quickly went brushed my teeth and ate a piece of my Mum's indian
pancakes and went we got in the car it was a long drive but me and Jamie played a game that we were
in planes and tanks and we pretended that the cars that were in front of us were the enemies!

After a long time… “Were finally here!” We went inside the church and then after a while of songs and
dancing we were in groups and went to different places me and Jamie we went to a group and lined up
and another friend of Jamie's came over and started talking to us then we went inside and 2 boys were
up on the stage and they dared themselves to eat raw sardine and the other one had to eat something
that's slimy it was disgusting to see them eat it after that we sang and me and Jamie ate the raw sardine
it was disgusting I went and drank some water and went to the canteen and got the free hot chocolate
we had to make it! Then we went back to our house Me and Jamie and his family ate cheese pizza and
ham and cheese but I didn't eat the ham and cheese cause I don’t eat ham we ate and then me and
Jamie went to play on the trampoline! Then I had to go and grab my flip out socks!  After a while we
went to…Flipout!

We finally reached and we started playing tag then we did some front flips and backflips and then we
saw a kid sitting down all alone so we said he could play with us it was so fun we got tiered and then
we sat down and drank some water and then we flipped more and then we came back home then me
and Jamie were riding our bikes and then we both wen thome and went to sleep!

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