Friday 29 June 2018

Ravothy Aunty's Birthday

Well for my Revathy Aunt's Birthday this is how the day started we woke up came to school that’s
typically normal right? But wait for the ending so we came to school and played and listened and
played and did stuff and school was finally finished and then…

When Mum came we went to Sudheesh uncles and Revathy auntys house we cut the cake and the
cake was delicious! Do you know who made it? It was Revathy aunty herself she is a cake making machine it’s so cool to
see her make the cake and the curry’s that my uncle makes it is Fantastic so we celabrated cutt the
cake and ate the food that my uncle made and came back home

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Mums Birthday

“Happy Birthday Mum!”
My Mum was thinking that we have a surprise for her but we didn't!
We got ready and came to school but the thing was when I reached here it was Jayden's birthday!
I was all like what?!

After the cool school hours!
We didn't go home straight away my Dad went and bought something. He came back with a bag but we
didn't know what it was we were so curios we made our Dad let us see what it was it was a voucher
for a massaging chair and we had bought a perfume!

5:20 pm
“Dad,Mums here!”
My Dad started dashing forth and back like a Bugatti veyron and getting the presents ready on the
couch and then my Mum came in and…

Then we let my Mum open her presents she was so happy shen was all likewhere did you get this from?”
And My Dad was all like “from a shop!”
Then we all went to sleep after a movie!”

Monday 25 June 2018

Fun Day Sunday!

“Hi its me Adam it's Sunday today that's why I thought I could stay here the whole time the next minute
I hear my friend Jamie knocking on my door I run out of my bed room and then I
opened the door and Jamie came in and then he asked me if I was allowed to go to church with him I
rushed over to my Mum and asked her if I can go with Jamie and she said...Yes,
but ask Dad  and he said yes so I quickly went brushed my teeth and ate a piece of my Mum's indian
pancakes and went we got in the car it was a long drive but me and Jamie played a game that we were
in planes and tanks and we pretended that the cars that were in front of us were the enemies!

After a long time… “Were finally here!” We went inside the church and then after a while of songs and
dancing we were in groups and went to different places me and Jamie we went to a group and lined up
and another friend of Jamie's came over and started talking to us then we went inside and 2 boys were
up on the stage and they dared themselves to eat raw sardine and the other one had to eat something
that's slimy it was disgusting to see them eat it after that we sang and me and Jamie ate the raw sardine
it was disgusting I went and drank some water and went to the canteen and got the free hot chocolate
we had to make it! Then we went back to our house Me and Jamie and his family ate cheese pizza and
ham and cheese but I didn't eat the ham and cheese cause I don’t eat ham we ate and then me and
Jamie went to play on the trampoline! Then I had to go and grab my flip out socks!  After a while we
went to…Flipout!

We finally reached and we started playing tag then we did some front flips and backflips and then we
saw a kid sitting down all alone so we said he could play with us it was so fun we got tiered and then
we sat down and drank some water and then we flipped more and then we came back home then me
and Jamie were riding our bikes and then we both wen thome and went to sleep!

My Life

\Your Story
Tama tu Tama ora, tama noho tama mate.
Stand and Survive or sit and die
17th May 2008:
Hey Suresh!
I think our baby’s coming!
Take the Motorbike come on let's go!
After ten minutes they were there at the old delhi hospital! They quickly rushed my Mum
to the place where they do the weird stuff to take the baby out of the mother's stomach! I
don't want to mention about it! It’s too disgusting!
My Dad’s really worried finally!
My Dad hears me crying and then he rushed over to the labor room and then then  one of
the doctors said…

Unfortunately I was sick and had to go to I.C.U we stayed there about 5 or 6 days we did not
have enough money and then my Dad's older sisters from Amarica America and Kuwait helped
transported money and my Mum's family helped and sold there most expensive car and then
we had one million and two dollars I think we needed that much money because there was a
machine that makes sick baby’s fine and it was so expensive  and I finally was cured then we
took our bike and went straight to our house my Mum gleaned into my sparkling eyes and
said my name…
Adam! The first baby I saw was my cousin her name is a fancy name so it's too fancy to
remember so I call her Unu her pet name is Minnu so I kind of started calling her Unnu we
grew up together and I learnt a lot she was one year older than me!

One of my childhood memories are when I peed on my Dads face and the other one was
when I did not let my Mom put my nappy on me and I pooped on the floor at Doha! So
good memories!

When I was three we decided to immigrate from India to New Zealand my Mum came first on
July 2011 to get a job and finish of her studies She had came to Rotorua and made 2 new
friends ones name was Silu aunty and the other ones name is Rinku aunty. My Mum suffered
a lot by herself and…

On December we came! The next year on May 8th My beautiful sister gleamed into my eyes
with a sparkling touch to it! I was so happy I was the one who was most excited I think!
I was so happy to get a little sister! I was holding her in my hands when I was only 5!  

I loved her red rosy cheeks and her teeny weeny nose!
It was like another version of me but as a girl and is beautiful and has cheeks as red as a popy!

My sister grew up and became a cheeky and naughty little girl I loved to watch her grow and
walk on her tiny feet wich grow each day and on her birthdays I'll always remember the time
when she was born and how she looked! And how I saw my cutie pie the first time!

One thing that is important to me in my life is friends I havent got that many friends and all
the friends I have is Nimai,Jamie, Brodie ,Jake,Austin,Damian and my old friends that I still
have is Scully,Jack and Eathan!

On 7th January 2016 My sisters left hand guardian arrived…
Zakaria! He grew up and he became a little boxer by hearing the song Believer!
Now today is my mom's birthday and me and Zara go to frimley primary school and I am
working with my sporty and active Mr Marple and the crafty and funny
Mrs Bartlett and with 58 other class mates and my sister goes to Whia Tania’s which is room
22 and Zakaria goes to Lollipopes
Evolve Educare! My Dad sadly moved from Clifton Cafe and went to a new job at silver ferns
where they cut meat and like kill them and stuff! My Dad works at the meat slaughter.
And thats my story!

Saturday 16 June 2018

Personal Pronouns

Personal Pronouns

tōku:     my (older or more significant to you)    
tāku:     my (younger or less significant to you)     
ōku:        my (older or more significant to you)
āku:     my (younger or less significant to you)  

au-      me
koe-   you
ia-      he or she

tāua-     us two
māua-    us two but not the person you are talking to
rāua-    those two
korua-   you two

tātou-     all of us
mātou-       all of us but not the person you are talking to
rātou-       all of them
koutou-     everyone

Consecutive Numbers

Consecutive Numbers

Well I wonder how often you have noticed that there are numbers around
the place that follow one after another 1, 2, 3 ... etc.? Sometimes they app
ear in reverse order when a countdown is happening for a launch of a rocke
t. But usually they happen in an order going up, like when you read throug
h a book and notice the page numbers. These kinds of numbers are called
consecutive numbers, you may have heard of the word before - it simply
means that they are whole numbers that follow one after another.

This investigation uses the idea of consecutive numbers and gives us other
numbers to explore.  You may very well discover things that NO ONE else
has discovered or written about before, and that's GREAT!

So this is how it starts. You need to choose any four consecutive number
s and place them in a row with a bit of a space between them, like this:

4, 5, 6, 7

When you've chosen your consecutive numbers, stick with those same ones
for quite a while, exploring ideas before you change them in any way. Now
place +and signs in between them, something like this :

4 + 5 - 6 + 7
4 - 5 + 6 + 7

and so on until you have found all the possibilities. Are you sure you've got

them all?  You should include one using all +'s and one that includes all

Now work out the answers to all your calculations (e.g. 4 - 5 + 6 + 7 = 12
and so on).

Now try other sets of four consecutive numbers and look carefully at the set
s of answers that you get each time.

Are you surprised by anything you notice?

It is probably a good idea to write down your 'noticings'. This can lead you
to test some ideas out by starting with new sets of consecutive numbers
and seeing if the same things happen in the same way.

You might now be doing some predictions that you can test out...

FINALLY, it is good to ask the question "I wonder what would happen if I ...
You may have thought up your own questions to explore further. Here are

some we thought of:

"What would happen if I took the consecutive numbers in an order going down, instead of up?"
"What would happen if I only used sets of three consecutive numbers?"
"What would happen if I used more consecutive numbers?"
"What would happen if I changed the rule and allowed consecutive numbers to include fractions or decimals?"

"What would happen if I allowed a + or sign before the first number?"

Maori Words

Tōku Pepeha  

Tēnā koutou katoa (greeting everyone)
Ko wai au? Who am I?
Ko                                   te waka, (boat/canoe)
Ko                              te iwi, (Tribe)
Ko                                   te hapu, (sub tribe or whānanu name)
Ko                                   te maunga, (Mountain/ hill)
Ko                              te awa, (river)
Ko                                   te marae, (Church/Marae/Temple)
Nō                                   ahau, (I am from)
Kei                                  tōku kainga, (I live in…)
Ko                            tōku kura, (My school is…)
He pai te                         i a au, (I enjoy...…)
Ko                                   tōku Koroua, (My granddad is…)
Ko                                   tōku kuia, (is my grandmother/nana)
Ko                                   tōku pāpā, (dad)
Ko                                   tōku māmā, (is my mother)
Ko                                   tāku tuahine, (is my sister)
Ko                              tāku teina, (is my brother)
Ko                                   te mātāmua o te whanau, (oldest brother or sister)
Ko                                   te pōtiki o te whanau, (youngest brother/sister in the family)
He māhanga koe            (he/she is a twin)
Ko                                   tāku kuri (is my dog)
Ko                                   tāku ngeru (is my cat)
Ko                                tōku Ingoa, (my name is)

Nō reira
Tēnā koutou, tēna koutou, tēna koutou katoa
greetings, greetings, greetings to you all

tōku:     my (older)    
tāku:     (younger)   
āku:     my (more than one)     
ōku:        my (more than one)
te:           the (only one thing)                     

ngā       the (more than one thing)

All about me

My friends are Nimai,Jake,Ryan and Brodie
Hi my name is Adam I was born in New Delhi in India I was born at 17.5.8  

My family is a family of five my sister my brother my Mum and My Dad and Me!

I’v got two cars one is a toyota ipsum and the other one is mazda 2

Ko wai au? Who am I?
Ko …………. tōku  ingoa
My name is ………...

I love to play with my friends and family and especially at special occasions!

I go to frimley school and my sister comes as well