Thursday 31 May 2018

F.W.M Activity of frog

The Whistling Tree Frog has been divided into two subspecies. It has different names for each species Verreauxii is widespread around the globe.
The frog lives at Coastal swamp lagoons

Life span:
It lives 25 years and
Lives in most forest

The Whistling tree frogs classification is:
Amphibians: Amphibians means a cold blooded
Vertebrate animal of a class that comprises the frog’s,
Toads, newts, salamanders,and caecilians.
Meaning of vertebrate: An animal of a large group distinguished by
The possession of a back bone or a spinal column

How big is the whistling tree frog?:
The Whistling Tree Frog is about 35 mm

Sunday 27 May 2018

My Birthday

“I’m so excited for my birthday!” “Yes you will be!” After coming to school! “Everybody forgot my birthday!” On the board it said Declan’s birthday! “I hardly even cared! It passed morning tea it was finally lunch time and then at lunch I told Mrs Bartlet that it was my birthday!  She was surprised, I went home and we had a small party and Nimai came and I had a beyblade cake and Jamie came as well Vasu came aswell! I had a early presents one was my gituar and the other one was the cool shirt that Nimai gave me on Zara’s birthday! And I got a solar build it yourself house from my aunty and uncle! And after that we ate food and everyone slowly went!

Friday 25 May 2018

All About Me

Hi my name is Adam I am 10 years old and I was born in 2008 17 of may i’m turning ten this year ,I was born in India in Dehli . Were a family of five . My Dad is 40 years old and my mums 32 . I have a really anoing yonger sister and brother there you go thats my family!ou go that’s my family.

F.W.M Activity postcard

The Big Fossil

“Dad Dad wake up”. “Okay i’ll wake up!” “Let’s go!” After a few hours!
“Were finally here!” “WOW!” “Look at that big fossil!” “That fossil used
to be the guardian of this land his name was Astonish he was really
“Strong people say that a big monster from the sea called godzilla
killed him and some people say that his spirit is still around here’ run”!
A big monster!” “AHH!” “What is it son?” “It was a big monster!” “That

Was just a really bad dream!”“Dad Dad wake up.

Thursday 24 May 2018

The Mini trip to taupo

“Co’m on!” “We have to go!” “Fast!” After 24 hours of sleeping! “Wake up!” “Drive Drive drive drive drive
drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive! “Were finally here!” “Hi!” “Is that beyblades”? “Yes!” “
Can I play!?” “Please!”? “Okay!” I met a little kid called Adhi! He loves beyblades but he never ever got it
his mum or dad to buy him it because he would be so addicted to it! “Do you want to play with mine?”
“Okay”! After eating dinner!  “Let’s go to bed!”
In the morning!
“Where are my beyblades Dad”? “I don’t know!” “Here you go!” “Adhi? “I took it over night to play with
it!” “Sorry!” “That’s all right!” “I’ll eat some food brush my teeth and come and play with you!” “Okay!” “I
want my own beyblade!” “NO!” “I can’t give you any of my bey’s!” “Dad Adhi wants beyblades okay is it
to keep”? “Yes!” “Okay!” “Let’s go and buy you a beyblade!” “Yay!” “I’m getting my own beyblade there’s
no need for that!” “No that’s okay!” “Dad can I come?” “Okay!” “Yes!” We went to where house and I
found Genesis Valtrek! Gladly I made a sad face and made him buy me Genesis Valtrek We bought both
of them!

Monday 21 May 2018

Bloody Longines

“Fast we have to go!” “Go where?” “To see the big waterfalls!” “Run!” “Guy’s get inside the car!” “Okay!” “You could stop forcing me now!?” “Sorry!” “Mum you don’t have to rush!” “After 10 hours were finally there!” “Wow look at that beauty!” “And look at that beauty!” "That monsters huge!" "It's not a monster it's a dragon!" "Ahhghtfghghhh!" "Ahh fire!" "Were dead , were dead wake up it was just a dream

“Ahh!”... “Ahh”! “OH!” “It was just a dream!”

Wednesday 16 May 2018

The War

Boom! "Do you think our trench is strong enough to hold this kind of impact"? "This is really hard!" "Jamie do you have some more bullets"? "You have some right over there!" "Thanks!" "Keep shooting!" “There’s a gas  bomb coming!” “Watch out!” “Boom!” “Glad we can still breath!” “I wish the war was over!” “Look I don’t want to die fast were best friends and I want us to die together!” “OK!” “Let’s shoot!” “Boom!” “Bang!” “Look!” “What!” “An atomic bomb!” “Run!” “No don’t shoot!” “It will!” BOOM! A big blast blew the battlefield wich made the field go orange and  white and red and all sorts of colours from then half the people of the war died and the war continued. After 80 years of waiting and fighting: “My poor friend Jamie!” After 1 year: RIP Adam RIP Jamie.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

3 things

  1. Math’s: My timetables and division facts multiplication facts
  2. Writing: Aspects
  3. Maths knowledge test

Monday 14 May 2018


I use my legs to hold me straight and tall.
They also help me run fast faster than ever.
They are one of the strongest things in my body.
My legs can bend and they are long and are flexible.
I can climb up high trees using my legs using my legs I can do anything except eating.
To me my legs are special in sports because in sports and athletics they help me.
They help me to jump high!
And when I fall down in a few days they spring back into power!!!


WALT: Use a range of simple additive and multiplicative strategies to solve problems

Archduke Storry

The London Guardian
June 28, 1914
man and woman Couple
Sarajevo - This morning, Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife Sophie of Austria
were assassinated. The couple was riding in a line of cars through Sarajevo, the capita
l city of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Their bodyguards could not defend them against the
Serbian nationalist who shot them.
Today is the anniversary of a battle in 1389 when the Turks overtook Serbia. In 1818,
Serbia regained independence. But in 1908, Austria took over Serbia and has occupied
the territory ever since. Serbian nationalists are very bitter about foreign rule. But the
Archduke ignored rumors that Serbian nationalists were plotting against him.


Camp Work

Letter Writing

Date (Long date)
Dear . . . . .
Thank you for . . . . . (what are you thanking them for?)

At camp I liked . . . . . (one thing you really liked)   

While I was / At camp / I enjoyed . . . . . (one day/activity you enjoyed)

At camp I challenged myself by ….. (how did you challenge yourself)
Thank you once again for being a part of Room 20’s camp.

Yours sincerely,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Capital Letters!!!!!!!!)

Denomenators work

Lily saved $162. Polly saved $195
. How much did they save altoget
her?Take a picture to show the working out from your book:


Star wars day activity


May the 4th is International Star Wars Day. Today we are going to immerse ourselves in the Star Wars

To begin with, you are going to become an expert in one character from the Star Wars universe.
You need to research this character and learn as much about them as possible.
When you are feeling confident about your character, you will need to write a character description
about your characters (support this with a photo). I will put some simple character descriptions below
that you could use as a model (I would expect yours to be a bit better than the model though).

Madame Zeroni had dark skin and a very wide mouth. When she looked at you, her eyes seemed to expand,
and you felt like she was looking right through you.

He was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large mustache.
Mrs. Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as
she spent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on the neighbors.

Where I was big, elbowy and grating, he was small, graceful and smooth. …he was lauded for his velvet-black
skin. His hair fell down in black curls, and my head was covered with black steel wool. And yet he loved me.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was a legendary Jedi Master and a noble man. An old man, with wrinkly skin and a short white
beard. But he is a man gifted in the force and served as a general in the clone wars. At an average 6 foot tall,
Obi usually wears the same kind of outfit. Cream trousers and shirt with a brown belt, brown boots and brown
shoes. He trained Anakin Skywalker, known better as Darth Vader, and was Luke Skywalker’s mentor.

Zara's Birthday

1st day: When they came!!!!!!!
"I'm so excited for Mia to come today!" Knock Knock! “I’ll go check it!” “Zara it’s Mia!” “Yay!”
“Let’s go get the toy’s out!” “Yes!” “How was the travel?” “Not bad!” “But Mia  was a bit too
excited and were finally here!” “So are you guys hungry”? “Yes!” “Well what’s that smell its Sudeesh uncle’s special chicken curry and rice!” “Yum thought you guys might be hungry!”
“So I made my special chicken curry and rice!” “With the vegetables”? “Rice with the vegetables!” “That’s right!” After eating! “Yum!” “That was good can
you make some for us again”? “Okay!” “Now let’s go to sleep!”
2nd day: Zara’s Birthday day!
“Zara Zara wake up it's your birthday today remember?” “Really is it my birthday?” “It's actually not your
birthday but it still is your birthday party so!” “ Yeah it's my birthday party today I can't wait!” After
setting up everything for the birthday… “Yay the bouncy castle is so fun!” “Sup Nimai!” “Should we go
and write the game’s down?” “Ok!” “So what should the games be!?” “Jamie!” “Oh”! Jamie this is Nimai
, Nimai this is Jamie!” “Now both of you shake hands!” “Okay!” “Allright fair enough!” “Now what are you
guys doing?” “My Mum lost the game book!” “So we are writing a new list!” “Oh cool!” “So what were the
game’s again?” “I can remember them!” “They are”... “Go home stay home!” ”Hide and Seek “ Duck Duck Goose!” “Jump to Jump!”
“Dance Off!” “Jumping Skills!” “Free Jumping Time!” “Charades!” “Wait what’s that game?”
“So there are two team’s and one team comes up with a movie!” And they tell a person from the other
team what movie it is and that person has to act it out to  their team has to guess what it is!” “Okay!”
“So let’s be the peer mediators”! After me going and checking out the present Nimai gave me: “Nimai
this is soo cool!” It was a cool bright yellow shirt
“Oh that was so much hard work let’s go biking!” After a while… “Bye Nimai!” “Bye!” We raced their
car on our bikes it was a tie!
3rd day: The End!
“What should I put on?” After everyone gets ready. So we went to the Arataki Honey place and this place
called temata mushroom then we went to the fish shop!” Then Mia and family went back to Palmerston

Saturday 12 May 2018

The Titanic

"Get ready fast!" "Okay"! "I'm so exited to go on the big new ship"! We might be late so chop chop!" "Is everyone ready?" "YES!" "Then let's go!!!" A few Hour's later...   "Ahh"!! "Help!" The ship started to sink they hit a big ice berg. Everyone died sadly!" But one of them survived his name is Jack! Jack had to live on an small island until after a few year's people from the US came and found him he was lucky to suvive

Thursday 10 May 2018

Arron and Charlie

“ "So can you come to my whare "? "Maybe"! "We have to talk about the bully problem "Yes"! "Did you know this kid got bet up a school?" "No"! "His names Luke!" This story's about these two twin brother's they are Arron and Charlie!": "Help!" "You wanna fight"?! "No!" "Do you want to"? "Oh No" "Oh yes!" "Help!" "Stop yelling kid"! "There is no hope!" But someone saved him!" Who was that?" " Xzander he's the strongest kid in the school"  "But he's not bad"! "He dosedn't go and beat someone up for no reason." "So he's good!" "Do you know what his full name is"? “Yeah I do know his full name is Alexander”! “That's a big name!” “I'll beat you up!” “I'd like to see trying!” Oh no!” It's Zander!” The dumb kid!” “ Do you think you can beat me up?” “ I can!” I'd like to see you trying!” “Okay!” “Eh!” “Not even a scratch!” “I’m not going to punch you!” “But don’t mess with little kids!” “Ok!?” : He protects little kids allot. “Have you seen him”? “No”!  “Run!” “No Run?” “What do you mean”? “Ahh!” “Why is that bully Chasing us”? “It’s becuse we were talking about him”! “Im tired!” “Where is he”? “Hi guy’s! Xzander Our hero! My dream came true.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Camp Letter

Thankyou Mrs Bentley for looking after us on camp our parents will be realeaved about us not getting hurt.

The Big Trip To taupo

"Mum Dad get up!" "It's 7:00!" "Were going on holiday remember?" "OH"! "Suresh get up!" "Okay!" "If you insist!" After 5 minutes of brushing our teeth! "parakuihi is served," yum!" "Egg with bread and vegetables!" "That was so"... "YUM"! "Everybody change your clothes!" "Okay"! After 3 minute's. "OKAY!" "Let's go!" "Did you lock the door!" "Yes"! "Has everybody clicked there seat belts"? "Yes!" "Then let's go!"

"Were here now!" "Now how do we open this gate the message say's a password let's type it in there the key now if we press this button it will open the gate!" "And the gate just opened by it self?" Lets get inside the farmhouse and get everything ready."

"Everything is in the house finally there here vasu!" Here's the house!" "Wow this is old fashioned house, that's right aunty!" now we better get the food ready...

"Yum!" "All finished!" "Your sleepy!" let's all go to bed!" The Next Morning: "Where are we going dad?""Oh!" To Taupo city we haven't came here in a long time!" "Let's go to T and T, Here we go!" What do you mean?" "Mum's always like this... After all that shopping and walking we finally get to have some fun we went to the praun park! It was so cool we did not catch any praun's but I cached a tiny fish I went to the toilet a came back and a little tiny fish was hooked on to it I was the only person in my family to get a tiny fish!" Then we went to the lava glass place it was so cool they showed us how the make glass out of lava it was so hot inside the place where the lava was made into glass we went into a garden and we came back to the farm hose and made a bbq and ate it and went to sleep! And the next day came back home!