Thursday 22 November 2018

Optimus Yachting

P1: With anxious feeling’s surging through my body,Mantaj,Brodie and myself hauled the light
orange yacht onto the pond. As it was floating away we quickly hopped in and we started sailing
it was pretty uncomfortable for me as I was sitting at the front of the boat I was really freaked out
by the time we got onto the water and the sail was hitting my head and we were supposed to
turn because we were doing the obstacles and I was okay with that but as long as the boom
doesn't boom my head.

P2: After a while I was okay with it but my body kind of started to hurt so then we swapped
places and I was on the job of doing the sail so I found it okay but I really wanted to do the job
of steering. But I was happy that the boom didn't hit my head! And I got a job and we talked. My
head stopped hurting,and I was freaked out about the jellyfish because I've received some
scary stories of people saying there are jellyfish under their yacht so I’m pretty, it's better not
to say that! (Freaked out) So we talked and talked but some of the sea katao (water) got in my
mouth it tasted like real sea salt  I tried spitting it out but the taste didn't go so I hated it but I
managed it was really windy especially when we were turning I thought I was going to fall it
gave me the shivers down the spine but we did it and I wasn’t afraid anymore and I was scared
that the boat will capsize even though I know I can swim I was freaking out thinking this will be
the last day of my life my heart was pumping hard out and my vein were like they came to life! \
I couldn't breathe breath but I calmed down.

P3:That short video had freaked me out the one where the other kids capsized when I saw that
I was scared then Miss Bartlett said that were going to do that I was like God why did you have
to make my life end this early? But my life didn't end that quickly I’m still living but the sailing
was fun we got of and went and got changed that was a lifetime experience for me I’ll never

Thursday 25 October 2018

Dads Birthday

So today we did everything as usual we went to school and work. We came back and the whole house was green! Then I quickly rushed and got changed and then I made a card then we got everything ready and we were waiting for my dad he came in for a surprise we called his friend over as I was the guide we gave him his cards and we cut the cake as we sang happy my Dad cut the cake dramatically so slowly as usual. Then we said hip hip hooray then we ate the cake then we just sat and talked then we went to sleep.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Green Colour Poem

Green is the swishing grass under my feet.

Green is the evergreen leaves flourishing on the trees
Green is the natures natural color.

Green tastes like the veggies that I enjoy eating.

Green smells like natural air which we breathe.

Green feels like the soft grass I step on.

Green makes me love nature.

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Adam_Holiday Moment

Where: Mahia Penisula Beach
When: Saturday First day of holiday
How:By Car
Why:Family trip
How many days: 3 days

MAHIA FISHING TRIP(Exploring included)
Waking Up
“What”! “Wait where am I? “Adam”! I can hear my Dad calling me I woke up and ran to the living
room that looked was like the size of my Dads and Mums bedroom. My dad was at the front door
he told me to grab the camera and follow him outside
The Sunrise
“Wow,” I exclaimed as I saw the amazing sunrise this was the first time seeing the sunrise I felt
amazed , it was 7:00 the time the sun came out. I took a few photos of the sun my Dad did too
then my mum woke up she loved it we took a lot of photos on the bench and by the tree by the time
we went inside it was probably 7:57 am. My Dad was all like we have to get ready and was really
excited. We woke Zara and Zak up (My Sister and Brother) we got ready and then we went off.
Reaching there

I was still kind of tired especially after my brother and my sister being annoing they started asking
if we were there yet yesterday after like littrally 5 minutes now they started againAre we there yet”?

I told them to stop it firmly after they did it 8 more times then they stoped we reached there.
We go out of the car it was soo slippery I slipped a few times gladly I diden’t bump my head!
My Dad went fising streight away! Me my sister and my brother and my mum were looking for
other animals in rock pools and I found an octopus and an crab it was fun we were just walking
thats when I spotted a seal!  “Mum,Dad”! Look a seal! I yelled. I was my first time seeing a real seal.
It was just chilling out on a rock! We took some photos and then my Dad started fishing again,
we went exploring again.

Got the fish!
Then after a while my Dad started yelling, “we got one!” I thought my Dad must be lying but I
I still took a tiny peek then i saw…

Going back
A real fish! I started walking (Slowly after the embarasing slip) then the fish was like littraly small I told my Dad that I will eat it It was jumping and moving arroun in the bucket and I got to hold it  and I ended up naming it, Jimmy! My Dad tried again and again but no other fish came so we packed and we went straight back home.

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Adam_Term 4 Goals

Attitude: Positive thoughts,Taking risks working on growth mindset in maths,fractions
decimal numbers with addition and substration
Action: I am a responsible digital citizen,
Achievement: Doing my personol best,positive choices

Learning goals:
Maths: Decimals Numbers, fractions reversabiliy substraction and addition
Writing: More Aspects and more speechmarks

Reading: Stop skipping words I dont know

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Exploding a moment:My Dad saving me

It was a bright sunny morning, I woke up with the bright sun and
I can hear the lovely whiowhio:whistling of the birds. That's
when I suddenly realized that my dad had planned a trip to a
place so I woke up and got ready then I can hear my mum
calling for breakfast I quickly ate it and then waited a long
time for my parents to get ready.
We reached a really utterly boring pond or a lake I started jumping rolling and playing in the mud and I was playing ball with my Dad and my Dad threw the ball and it went too far so I went to get it, it fell somewhere so I went to get then I was just too curios and went and jumped in the lake/pond I couldn't breathe Breath I was choking and I was floating away it felt like every inch I floated away I was losing the grasp of my life, there I go floating away in the cold dark deep water the water was pulling me towards the end forcefully the water covered me but I wasn't going to die. At that same moment, I heard someone splashing into the water then there was a hand reaching out towards me I held the person's hand then he/she pulled me out of the water it turns out to be my Dad he hugged me nice and tight. That is a day I’ll never forget.

Thursday 20 September 2018

maths maintenence

  1. 45 =40
  2. 326 =20
  3. 54,423 =20
  4. 4,692 =90
  5. 382,736 =30
  6. 492 =90
  7. 428,246 =40

Science Process

FAT Question: How does sugar affect your teeth In specific drinks?           

I think that the coke zero will be the most sugary one and that the normal coke is the is second most sugary. Milk won’t be as sugary and sprite might contain as much as sugar as the coke normal Juice might just make it rot like approximately 5% of the egg shell.

I predict that the coke zero will make the egg shell rot first. The milk might just make it float juice might just make rot like a tiny bit. The normal coke won't rot as much as the C.0

  • 1x egg shells
  • 1x Coke, Fanta, Fruit Juice, Milk
  • 5x Clear glass
  • 5x bags
  • 1x bowl

Step.1 Go and grab your materials
Step.2 Crack the egg into a bowl and put the bowl aside. (but don't throw your egg shell away)
Step.3 Pour your drinks into your  glass cups.
Step.4 Get 5 cracked egg shell pieces and put one in each cup.
Step.5 Wait for one of them to rot.

Fanta cracked a bit and turned orange, coke turned a little bit brown and cracked a tiny bit, milk stayed the same but clean, Juice lost a bit of skin on the shell

I found out that fanta had the most sugar.

Thursday 23 August 2018


The wind was forcefully howling and there the 3 brother crows dived down towards me!
Peacefully playing my flute, I was rudely interrupted by a pack of horrid crows.These beastly things
had been a part of my life since I was a baby. Intimadation was what they feed on.They shoved me onto the floor. Then  they forcefully pulled my flut flute out of my grasp and then I rumged throgh them
and then ran into the forest I was really scared then I ran into my house!
I locked the door and then I looked outside the window there I saw a bunch of birds flying if I could
fly like them I thought. I felt whakaohooho (inspired) by those other birds flying in the air so...

They had took my other wing of me thats why I dident just fly of they painfully ripped it
of my back. So I started working I spend 24 utu a-haoras(hours) making a big catapult then
I brought it out of my house and I had made a wing aswell so I catapulted myself up into the
air then thats when I understood the enjoyment of flying I flied in the air for a while then
I droped Thump!

The next thing I see is those ugly crows then a girl came and distracted them or in other
words saved me! They followed her and then took her wing of her like those nasty things did to me!

I woke up then I started walking I looked down and saw my other fake wolden wing and and the other
real wing of that girl I continued walking then I saw her the girl that saved me she was playing my
flute then I walked toher then she passed my flute back we hugged each other then the scarry
noise of the crows started then we held hands and flew away then the crows broke the flute I
dont care at least I found my partner. They flew into the sunrise!

Sunday 19 August 2018

My Speech


Flush and plop! So you must have got a picture

in your head about what i’m going to talk

about. So today I’m going to talk about

plastic and how it affects our sea life!

People are flushing small stuff down

the toilet like plastic milk bottles lids or

small parts of plastic containers that lies

on the floor or surprisingly lego!

Small kids pick these stuff up and well…

Well they flush it down the toilet!

So what’s happening is people are are taking
plastic to places where they dump the plastic
then they take it to the sea then the fish
saddley eat it and then they die.
New Zealand’s swamps and rivers are getting
smelly and rotten and disgusting because
of the fish that are dying in the swamps
and rivers!

We have become dependent on plastic for a range of uses,
from packaging to products reducing our use of plastics bags
is an easy place to start getting addiction under control. David
Suzuki came up with this quote. Secondly people are using
plastic for many resources now already people have started
reducing the use of plastic like Countdown and New World
they have been selling stitched bags. Slowly we have to make
our town do that then our other cities then the whole of New
Zealand then the world!
Over 1 million sea life creatures are dying each year due to
plastic for example let's take the sea turtle they are dying each
year because of plastic they eat it then they die officially! So to
stop this disaster please stop using plastic because it will kill
you in the end!
Did you know:
That a single plastic bag can kill over 100 dolphins
4rthly the amount of plastic bags that are lying in the sea
are even killing the most dangerous species.

So I’m just saying that stop using plastic just go back to
using glass bottles and stitched bags. Please corporate
tell people to stop using this horrible material because it
is destroying our world! Thanks For Listening.

Friday 29 June 2018

Ravothy Aunty's Birthday

Well for my Revathy Aunt's Birthday this is how the day started we woke up came to school that’s
typically normal right? But wait for the ending so we came to school and played and listened and
played and did stuff and school was finally finished and then…

When Mum came we went to Sudheesh uncles and Revathy auntys house we cut the cake and the
cake was delicious! Do you know who made it? It was Revathy aunty herself she is a cake making machine it’s so cool to
see her make the cake and the curry’s that my uncle makes it is Fantastic so we celabrated cutt the
cake and ate the food that my uncle made and came back home