Thursday 23 August 2018


The wind was forcefully howling and there the 3 brother crows dived down towards me!
Peacefully playing my flute, I was rudely interrupted by a pack of horrid crows.These beastly things
had been a part of my life since I was a baby. Intimadation was what they feed on.They shoved me onto the floor. Then  they forcefully pulled my flut flute out of my grasp and then I rumged throgh them
and then ran into the forest I was really scared then I ran into my house!
I locked the door and then I looked outside the window there I saw a bunch of birds flying if I could
fly like them I thought. I felt whakaohooho (inspired) by those other birds flying in the air so...

They had took my other wing of me thats why I dident just fly of they painfully ripped it
of my back. So I started working I spend 24 utu a-haoras(hours) making a big catapult then
I brought it out of my house and I had made a wing aswell so I catapulted myself up into the
air then thats when I understood the enjoyment of flying I flied in the air for a while then
I droped Thump!

The next thing I see is those ugly crows then a girl came and distracted them or in other
words saved me! They followed her and then took her wing of her like those nasty things did to me!

I woke up then I started walking I looked down and saw my other fake wolden wing and and the other
real wing of that girl I continued walking then I saw her the girl that saved me she was playing my
flute then I walked toher then she passed my flute back we hugged each other then the scarry
noise of the crows started then we held hands and flew away then the crows broke the flute I
dont care at least I found my partner. They flew into the sunrise!

Sunday 19 August 2018

My Speech


Flush and plop! So you must have got a picture

in your head about what i’m going to talk

about. So today I’m going to talk about

plastic and how it affects our sea life!

People are flushing small stuff down

the toilet like plastic milk bottles lids or

small parts of plastic containers that lies

on the floor or surprisingly lego!

Small kids pick these stuff up and well…

Well they flush it down the toilet!

So what’s happening is people are are taking
plastic to places where they dump the plastic
then they take it to the sea then the fish
saddley eat it and then they die.
New Zealand’s swamps and rivers are getting
smelly and rotten and disgusting because
of the fish that are dying in the swamps
and rivers!

We have become dependent on plastic for a range of uses,
from packaging to products reducing our use of plastics bags
is an easy place to start getting addiction under control. David
Suzuki came up with this quote. Secondly people are using
plastic for many resources now already people have started
reducing the use of plastic like Countdown and New World
they have been selling stitched bags. Slowly we have to make
our town do that then our other cities then the whole of New
Zealand then the world!
Over 1 million sea life creatures are dying each year due to
plastic for example let's take the sea turtle they are dying each
year because of plastic they eat it then they die officially! So to
stop this disaster please stop using plastic because it will kill
you in the end!
Did you know:
That a single plastic bag can kill over 100 dolphins
4rthly the amount of plastic bags that are lying in the sea
are even killing the most dangerous species.

So I’m just saying that stop using plastic just go back to
using glass bottles and stitched bags. Please corporate
tell people to stop using this horrible material because it
is destroying our world! Thanks For Listening.