Thursday 22 March 2018

My Adventure

Ahh!!! Help! My pilots just jumped out of the plane he is crazy!” The only hope I’ve got is the parachute!!! I could use the parachute! After a few minutes,3,2,1 Jump!!! Let me open the parachute! Boom!!! The plane just blew up!!!

I wish my Mum or Dad was here! Splash!!! I just landed in a lake! “I’m wet!!! I’m going to change.” After a couple of minutes I had changed. Now Brambo shaked himself dry! “Let’s go!” After walking for an hour, finally we've reached a big wild temple but it looked crazy! “Let’s go and see.” The big temple door opened wide. Wow! This looks so cool!

“Who is that?”
“Hi my name is Jorge.”
“Hi Jorge, my name is Ava."
Hi Ava, nice to meet you. Let’s get out of here it’s dangerous. What’s your dog’s name?”
“That’s a cool name! Let’s keep walking. Where did you come from?”
“Me? I came from England Where did you come from?”
“I came from New Zealand."
“I’m hungry, Brambo might be hungry to!”
“I think I have got some food in my bag.”
“Like what?”
“Do you know how to make a fire?”
“I’ll just go and get a couple of rocks.”
In the time that you’re gone I’ll get the chicken and cut it.” After a few minutes,Ava had finished cutting up the chicken. " Yum!
“Yum! Now we have to travel for 2 hours…”

“I’m tired! Can I have some water?” Ava asked. “Finished! It's really slippery up here isn’t it?” “Yes!”

“No! Ahh!!! Mum! What? I was falling from a cliff. Wheres my friend Jorge? Oh it must have been a dream!”

acrorostic poem


I saw a massive wave of water filled with car's trucks shop's and mall's
I heard a Roaring noise strike across the city
I felt scared and frighted
I wonderd if it was going  to kill me 

Thursday 8 March 2018

The creepy night

It was 3am Charlie woke up hearing a crumbling noise it was coming from under his bed , when he stood up the wooden floor started crackling , he looked down under his bed … He saw a bunch of spiders and ants eating the packet of lollipops from 2 weeks ago from then he started panicking ,what if Mum and Dad growl  me he got so freaked out !
"What should I do ?" Then they started running after him . Then they started climbing him he tried to knock them over but he couldn’t he ran around looking for his parents suddenly his Dad started calling him .
"Charlie oh Charlie!"
"Wake up it’s Dad" , then he suddenly woke up seeing his Dad waking him up . He got out of bed peered under his bed there was nothing under it . He stood up and hugged his Dad . As soon as he hugged his Dad , Dad knew what had happened , Dad said,
"you had a really bad dream" . Charlie was shocked ! Then he calmed himself down and started breathing slowly he thought he was going to have a heart attack he gripped his Dad so tightly he became white. Then he asked his Dad,
"are you scared of spiders "?
"No , but don’t be it was just a dream nothing else to be scared of if have a bad dream you could come to our bedroom if you want to ok ?"
"All Right come on let's go have some breakfast" .